
online associates degree in Phoenix University

 University Of Phoenix

An innovative approach
Our commitment extends to our higher education innovations as well. University of Phoenix offers many conveniences for working adult students including evening classes, flexible scheduling, continuous enrollment, a university-wide academic social network, online classes, a digital library and computer simulations.
In addition, University of Phoenix has over 25 years of experience in online education — a kind of education that’s research-proven to be just as effective as conventional instruction.
Our faculty members have both real-world and academic experience. This means students can use what they learn in class the very next day they’re at work. And we offer associate, bachelor's, master’s, doctoral, and certificate programs — to give students choices and room to grow.
Contact an Enrollment Representative to let us know how we can help you reach your higher education goals.
Graduation Team
The decision to enroll in school is not always an easy one. A lot has to be considered, including the time and cost investment, as well as the impact to your job, family, and lifestyle. By the time you enroll, you’ve probably realized that the education you earn benefits you in many ways, despite your cost in time and money.
At University of Phoenix, we understand that the road to graduation isn’t always a smooth one. We work diligently to help you graduate so that your sacrifice pays off. One way that we do this is to assign three representatives to you when you enroll. They are your Graduation Team®.
They are with you from day one until the day you receive your diploma. Meet your team:
Your Enrollment Representative will help you with requirements, forms and put you on a path that helps you fulfill your educational goals. This representative also becomes your ‘go-to’ person when you have questions about the university or student life.
Your Academic Advisor works with you to set your schedule answer your questions and will partner with you to solve academic issues. Think of your Academic Advisor as a “one-stop shop” that can provide you with the information and resources you need, exactly when you need it.

And, Finance Advisors know the complex world of academic funding and can help you find and apply for grants, scholarships, educational or personal loans.
Your graduation team is there for you, every step of the way. They will do all that they can to make sure once you enroll, you’re with University of Phoenix until you earn your degree.

To facilitate cognitive and affective student learning—knowledge, skills, and values—and to promoteuse of that knowledge in the student's workplace.
·         To develop competence in communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and information utilization, together with a commitment to lifelong learning for enhancement of students' opportunities for career success.
·         To provide instruction that bridges the gap between theory and practice through faculty members who bring to their classroom not only advanced academic preparation, but also the skills that come from the current practice of their professions.
·         To provide General Education and foundational instruction and services that prepare students to engage in a variety of university curricula.
·         To use technology to create effective modes and means of instruction that expand access to learning resources and that enhance collaboration and communication for improved student learning.
·         To assess student learning and use assessment data to improve the teaching/learning system, curriculum, instruction, learning resources, counseling, and student services.
·         To be organized as a private institution in order to foster a spirit of innovation that focuses on providing academic quality, service, excellence, and convenience to the working student.
·         To generate the financial resources necessary to support the University's mission.
Admission Requirement

To enter an associate or bachelor’s degree program, you must: 

·         Have earned an acceptable high school diploma, GED® equivalent, California High School Proficiency Examination certificate or foreign secondary school equivalent. If you currently don’t meet this requirement, you can arrange to take the GED through your state’s GED administrator’s office or search for the nearest GED testing center.
·         Be at least 16 years of age at the time of application if applying to an associate degree program.
·         Meet work experience requirements or have access to an organizational environment, depending on your selected degree program, in order to successfully complete program objectives and apply concepts you learn in our courses. Please contact an Enrollment Representative to learn if your program has such a requirement.
·         Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or hold an approved, valid visa if residing in the United States.
·         Not have been expelled from a previous institution.
·         Complete all required forms for admission as well as submit official test scores and official transcripts from all colleges and universities you’ve attended.

State/territory-specific requirements

In addition to meeting the requirements above, residents of:
·         Massachusetts and New Jersey must provide health insurance information.
·         Oklahoma, Hawaii, Connecticut and Tennessee must submit immunization documentation if enrolling in a campus-based program.
·         Puerto Rico must meet English Language Proficiency requirements if enrolling in a campus-based program.
·         Tennessee, Nevada and South Carolina must submit high school graduation documentation.

International applicants

Applicants without appropriate previous academic experience in an English language environment must pass the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL®), the Test of English as an International Communication (TOEIC®), the Berlitz® Online Proficiency Test, the Pearson Test of English Academic or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS®). Please contact an Enrollment Representative to learn more about this requirement if you are a non-native speaker of English.

Transfer credit

As part of your admission, and depending on your grades and/or scores, prior coursework from regionally accredited or nationally accredited degree-granting institutions, or the credit earned through a national testing program such as the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)®, DANTES or Advanced Placement, may be evaluated and considered for academic credit. If you have had professional training or served in the military, you may be able to convert your training into academic credits.

